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दशै तिहारमा युरिक एसिड कसरी कम गर्ने ?

दशै तिहारमा युरिक एसिड बढ्ने सम्भावना हुन्छ । दशै तिहारकाे समयमा खानेकुरा धेरै हुने र साे समयमा धेरै पाेटिनयुत्त खाना लगायत अनियन्त्रित खानपानको...

हड्डीको क्षयरोग समयमै पहिचान र उपचार गरे ठिक हुन्छ ।

विश्वमा हरेका वर्ष १० लाख नयाँ क्षयरोग (टीबी) लागेको तथाङक छ जस मध्ये १० देखि २० प्रतिशत हड्डी संग सम्बन्धित क्षयरोग रहेको छ ।...

Hypertension Pathophysiology Nursing Notes

Lets explore the hypertension nursing notes Hypertension definition Blood pressure is defined as the pressure or force exerted against the walls of the vessels in which...

Congestive Cardiac Failure – Medical study notes- Nursing notes

Introduction Heart failure, sometimes known as congestive heart failure is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood to meet the...

APPENDICITIS Pathophysiology Notes

Anatomy of appendix It is a blind muscular tube with mucosal, submucosal, muscular, and serosal layers. It is a vestigial organ. The appendix varies considerably in...

GASTRITIS Pathophysiology Nursing Notes

Gastritis It is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. ( inner lining of the stomach) It is one of the most common GI problems. It refers to...

BSc Nursing Pathophysiology Syllabus of Nepal Download

This is a pdf of the BSc Nursing Pathophysiology syllabus BSc Nursing Pathophysiology Syllabus of Nepal Download pathophysiology-syllabusDownload

Nursing Pathophysiology Important Questions

List of the BSc Nursing Pathophysiology that are important for the study. for exam prepare them. Define the terms in pathophysiology necrosis and types inflammation and its...
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